coconut products

Organic certified coconut products

We, Jenny and Honsan, would like to dive into the world of organic coconut with you! For us, quality, sustainability, fairness and passion come first. Our journey, which we would like to take you on, began with our love of coconut products. We travelled to numerous countries and visited many different plantations.
Finally, we found what we were looking for - the plantations and the producers in Thailand, which are in line with our conviction of ecology and fair pay.
For us, the personal relationship with the producer and the trust in him was very important and crucial and so we got to know the farmers and the production process of the coconut products even better with each subsequent visit. After several years of trial and error and research, we can now present you with the best organic coconut products in compliance with Swiss hygiene regulations (certified Swiss standards). All our products are 100% pure and without any additives. Whether as an alternative to conventional food or care products, we are convinced that you will love our products as much as we do!

Harvesting coconut flower nectar
Coconut nectar can be harvested twice a day. This is done by lightly tapping cut coconut flowers. One flower produces up to 500ml of nectar per day. Only after three years can the nectar be harvested for the first time. After 10 years, the coconut palm is too tall and it would be too dangerous for the farmers to climb up to harvest the coconuts. Therefore, the palm is cut down after 10 years; however, the palm is further utilised in the form of palm containers.

Visit to coconut plantation in Thailand
During our visit we learned how ripe coconuts are harvested after 11 to 12 months with a long bamboo stick.

Green tea from Japan
Nagasaki in Japan is the perfect place to grow green tea. The climate of the locality, which is over 330 metres above sea level and 12 kilometres from the sea, is ideal for the intense flavour of green tea.

Harvesting the tea leaves
Together with about 90 other volunteers, we participated in harvesting the tea leaves in the fresh April weather. After three hours of hard work, we had harvested 45 kilograms of tea leaves.
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All our coconut products are made with natural ingredients
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